vineri, 13 decembrie 2013

radu andriescu - the catalan within

(fragment din text)

I can no longer find

my equilibrium; yet, as the king of luthiers
used to say, I have a dream. I dream

of a town forgotten among hills transformed into
rhythm. I dream
of people. I dream of something more than
a coterie. I dream that the thistle is the clean-shaven visage
of a prophet. I hope that my diaphanous Blanchette dispenses happiness
throughout the world. I dream of the almighty Catalan crushing
between his fingernails
the louse of soul dryness. I dream of hierarchs.
And equilibrium. I dream of frost as clean as
Blend-a-Med toothpase. I hope

not to be shot. I hope never to have my driver’s license
suspended again. I hope my books will be
circulated. I hope my memories will not
shrivel. I hope my enzymes
will thrive. I hope our helmsman will see many
a future day. I hope the Catalan within
will not die. I hope to defeat the white louse fat as a dragon,
the winged brontosaur. I hope
to see. I hope
to nourish myself. I hope
to voyage beyond.
To find.

(translated by adam j. sorkin and radu andriescu, longleaf press, 2007)

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